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Holiday Caravans | Parks in Corsica

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We have 2 holiday parks featured in Corsica. Each of the parks included here in Corsica have caravan accommodation available for holiday rentals. If you have a specific town in Corsica you would like to go to then the menu on the left is the best way to narrow down your search.

Once you have found the holiday park in Corsica that you are interested in you can use the 'View Accommodation' button to find out more about the accommodation available at the park. If you would like more information before booking 'Park Information' provides a wealth of information about the park including lots of pictures, reviews, full details and a map of the area.


Marina d'Erba Rossa campsite - Ghisonaccia

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Park Information

With its luxuriant Mediterranean vegetation and dramatic mountain views competing with the sea for your attention, Marina d'Erba Rossa is a paradise for the senses.

A palm fringed swimming pool only a step away from its own sandy beach or the welcoming waters of the Mediterranean sea. Corsica is nicknamed 'the island of the beauty' and at this parc you have all you need to appreciate the splendour of this holiday haven.

But there's much to keep the energetic occupied too with an enthusiastic animation team organising games and excursions both on Marina d'Erba Rossa and off. Be sure to find time to visit Bonifacio with its amazing harbour and old town. With Al Fresco you'll stay in Corsica's most modern mobile home, the Rossini Riviera Suite.



Sole Di Sari - Solenzara

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Sole Di Sari lies in the dramatic setting of the 'Coast of Pearls' (La Côte des Nacres). It's the perfect base for exploring the marvels of the island with the fabulous Bonifacio a short drive away. This modern parc has had a great lagoon pool with whirlpools built recently. Perfect for relaxing and unwinding


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